Passing Basic - Without Breaking Backs

This is a real good drill for working the fundamental of passing the puck. It's simple enough to be used with the young kids and challenging enough to use with elite players.

We line the team up in two lines. (A and B in the diagram) This should stretch most of the length of ice. One line will all have pucks and the lines will partner-off with A being B's Partner.

A skates toward B and passes the puck. B takes the pass as he is backing up. B Stops and skates toward A and passes the puck. A takes the pass as he is backing up. What we have is the players moving back and forth in the grey area of the diagram - passing back and forth and moving back and forth.

The lines are also slowly moving down the length of the ice. When A and B reach the end, (could be marked by pylon) they curl off and skate hard to the other end of the line and restart the drill. This is a drill the pains the back - the break and skate down to the other end gives a much needed stretch.

With the younger players you have to go quite slow as they get used to passing and receiving while on the move. The better they become, the quicker the pace can be.

With the older players - the pace can be much quicker - working the advanced skills of passing the puck quickly while skating backwards or forwards - a real key to moving the puck on the powerplay or while in your own end - especially for defensemen.